With the cold weather well and truly here and after some very cold early mornings and frosty nights, now is a great time to start boosting your immunity so that you stay healthy though the winter season. Whether that’s from your grandmother’s warm chicken soup to making sure you get your daily dose of vitamin C, below are our favourite tips to keep your immunity up this winter!
Drink more water
Most people find keeping hydrated in winter difficult due to the cold weather. If you are one of those people there are plenty of ways you can get your daily 8-10 glasses of water in! Try adding some lemon to a glass of warm water, adding extra fruit to your diet or even a raw salad with lots of cucumber and iceberg lettuce. There are a huge variety of teas you can buy that make drinking water easy, tasty and good for you too with the added bonus of warming you from the inside.
Take natural vitamins and supplements
If you are looking for natural vitamins to boost your immune system during winter, health professionals recommend Vitamin C. Having the correct daily intake of vitamin C is essential for good health because your body doesn’t produce or store it. The good news is that vitamin C is in so many foods that most people don’t need to take a vitamin tablet. Foods that contain vitamin C include oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, capsicum, spinach, kale and broccoli to name just a few.
Eat fresh food
Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of antioxidants and vitamins that make our body happy and healthy! If you are wanting lots of yummy vegetables all at once that you know are going to be good for you, why not make a delicious vegetable soup. South Australian favourite Maggie Beer has plenty of delicious recipes available here.
Just like a healthy diet, regular exercise contributes to overall good health. Heading outdoors for something as small as a 30 minute walk a day can be a small step in boosting your immune system and works wonders for your wellbeing too. If it’s too cold to head outside, then there are a range of other activities that keep you moving, keep you warm and help your circulation too. Discover 8 places to boost your fitness in Murray Bridge.
Get enough rest
When you sleep you are giving your body time to heal itself so it is imperative that you get enough sleep each night. Studies around the world have found that constant lack of sleep can not only make us cranky and irritable but also can potentially lead to harmful diseases. Most healthy adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night to feel at their best.
Washing your hands
Recently we have all been reminded how to wash our hands correctly to make sure we aren’t missing any germs that may have made their way onto our hands. For optimum hand cleaning it is recommended you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and dry them well. It’s also a good idea to keep an alcohol based hand lotion close for those times when you don’t have easy access to a washbasin.
Source the Sunshine
Just because it is Winter doesn’t mean the sun does not come out at all. Our dogs love to seek out a sunny spot to enjoy the suns warmth and we should too. Letting the sunshine in is simple during the day, just leave your curtains and blinds open as long as possible. Sit out on your front porch or balcony and read the paper in the sun or take a walk when the sun is out and at its brightest. Sunshine provides us with almost all the Vitamin D we need to help protect us against disease and can assist to slow the aging process. While according to researchers, sunshine may also increase levels of serotonin—a natural antidepressant—in the brain so sunshine also positively boosts our mood as well.
Whatever you do, make sure you get rugged up, light a fire and enjoy the changes the new season brings.
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